Making business planning as much fun as summer vacation

For the past few weeks I have been planning our summer vacation. I somehow, against her better judgment, convinced my wife to join me (with our two dogs) for a month-long RV trip throughout the western U.S. The planning process shed some new light on how to approach business planning with the same vigor and excitement. Read more

How to be ready if your dream job became available tomorrow

The perfect job is out there and, when it appears, you have to be ready. People get promoted, some get fired, companies create new jobs, and you never know when that perfect opportunity will open up. Don’t wait. Be ready for that opportunity. Read more

Your path to success may depend on a mentor

A mentor, whether formal or informal, can help you succeed in life and in your career.

Music was Ray Charles’ single driving force. It catapulted a poor, black, blind, orphaned teenager to a national treasure and an international phenomenon. Through his efforts, rhythm and blues became universally respectable, jazz found a mainstream audience and country and western grew to worldwide popularity. Read more

3 tips to tell authentic business stories

Becoming a good storyteller is key to being able to succeed and communicate well. People enjoy listening to stories and it is a lot easier to drive a point home by using an effective metaphor, powerful descriptions, or tales that will win your audience’s hearts and minds. Read more

How to solve problems in corporate America

Too often, we begin to pontificate, offer opinions and attempt to solve problems without taking the time to truly understand the situation at hand. Intellectually, we know the best approach involves asking the right questions, discovering the details, being patient and listening to the full story, but often that is not how problem solvers in corporate America proceed. Read more

Reach your career goals quickly – Fast Track Tools helps you communicate to win

Good ideas and a great vision are not enough to be successful today. Winners need an authoritative, convincing, articulate presentation. In response, Fast Track Tools has launched a unique, interactive, career-boosting, online workshop that provides practical, actionable information and resources for early-career and experienced professionals alike. Read more

NBC’s Jay Leno and Conan debacle is a lesson in bad ideas winning

I’ve written a lot about the topic of “good” ideas gone bad, but was inspired to pen this post today by a tweet from Suzy Welch.

What is the best evidence of a bad idea? When the decision makers have to revert to a prior idea and shelve the new concept. Read more