How to connect with and engage your audience with a strong opening

The term “talking head” often refers to a presenter who does not engage or connect with the audience. The presentation seems like nothing more than a slew of words coming from a head on stage. How can you learn to connect with your audience and involve everyone in the topic? Easier said than done. This blog explores many ways to avoid being called the “talking head.” Read more

Change for change’s sake does not equal success

Good ideas fuel companies. Isn’t there some commercial that says, “Business is changing at the speed of light?” Any successful business needs top talent to help it stay ahead of the crowd. It is much better to be ahead of the curve than chasing it. Think about it – are YOU ahead of the curve? Read more

Communication is the bread…

There’s probably never been a more important time to know how to communicate well. Today, what you say can be captured on YOU TUBE and in writing (posted on Facebook, Twitter, in a blog). There, it can live forever – a record of your gaffes (and, yes, your successes), but what are people more likely to remember? Let’s face it – if you make a mistake, it will follow you as long as Google has it indexed. Read more

Ken Revenaugh offers Fast Track Tools to solve your communication problems

How Fast Track Tools
Came to Be

Hi, my name is Ken Revenaugh. I developed Fast Track Tools because
I was sick and tired of watching bad ideas win.

You know the drill: Someone passionately advocates for an idea and clearly communicates why it should be implemented. Read more

NBC’s Jay Leno and Conan debacle is a lesson in bad ideas winning

I’ve written a lot about the topic of “good” ideas gone bad, but was inspired to pen this post today by a tweet from Suzy Welch.

What is the best evidence of a bad idea? When the decision makers have to revert to a prior idea and shelve the new concept. Read more