Free PowerPoint-Tastic Templates – #092: Formula for Success

Each week, the Fast Track Tools training company and the Cubicle Ninjas design firm work together to publish a template that makes it easier for you to communicate your ideas. This week we bring you a template called the “Formula for Success.” Read more

Free PowerPoint-Tastic Templates – #091: Strategy vs. Tactics

Each week, the Fast Track Tools training company and the Cubicle Ninjas design firm work together to publish a template that makes it easier for you to communicate your ideas. This week, we bring you a template illustrating the differences between strategy and tactics. Read more

Free PowerPoint-Tastic Templates – #090: Complexity

Each week, the Fast Track Tools training company and the Cubicle Ninjas design firm work together to publish a template that makes it easier for you to communicate your ideas. This week we bring you a template illustrating the complexities everyone faces in business. Read more

Free PowerPoint-Tastic Templates – #089: Play in the Sandbox

Each week, the Fast Track Tools training company and the Cubicle Ninjas design firm work together to publish a template that makes it easier for you to communicate your ideas. This week, we bring you a template to illustrate the demand on resources. Read more

Free PowerPoint-Tastic Templates – #088: Things are Changing

Each week, the Fast Track Tools training company and the Cubicle Ninjas design firm work together to publish a template that makes it easier for you to communicate your ideas. This week, we bring you a change management plan. Read more

Free PowerPoint-Tastic Templates – #087: The Road Ahead

Each week, the Fast Track Tools training company and the Cubicle Ninjas design firm work together to publish a template that makes it easier for you to communicate your ideas. This week, we bring you a template to help you illustrate your vision. Read more

Free PowerPoint-Tastic Templates – #086: Structure, People, Process & Strategy

Each week, the Fast Track Tools training company and the Cubicle Ninjas design firm work together to publish a template that makes it easier for you to communicate your ideas. This week we bring you a diagram to guide a turn-around situation. Read more

Free PowerPoint-Tastic Templates – #085: Art vs. Science

Each week, the Fast Track Tools training company and the Cubicle Ninjas design firm work together to publish a template that makes it easier for you to communicate your ideas. This week, we bring you two images to show the balance of art and science. Read more

Learn to sell from a teacher

Who is your favorite teacher? It may be from grade school or grad school, but we all have a teacher we admire for the how and what we learned from them. So if teachers are fondly remembered, why not emulate them in other professions? Read more

Free PowerPoint-Tastic Templates – #084: Eighty/Twenty Rule

Each week, the Fast Track Tools training company and the Cubicle Ninjas design firm work together to publish a template that makes it easier for you to communicate your ideas. This week we bring you the 80/20 model. Read more