Ken Revenaugh offers Fast Track Tools to solve your communication problems

How Fast Track Tools
Came to Be

Hi, my name is Ken Revenaugh. I developed Fast Track Tools because
I was sick and tired of watching bad ideas win.

You know the drill: Someone passionately advocates for an idea and clearly communicates why it should be implemented. Offering apparent benefits and potential consequences of not acting, the presenter moves the audience to action – to accept a weak or poor idea – on the strength of a powerful presentation. I recognized that good ideas and a great vision are not enough. Winners need to couple their ideas with an authoritative, convincing, articulate presentation.

Climbing the Career Ladder and Discovering the Value of an Idea

I want to spare you the years of frustration I’ve gone through watching bad ideas win. To make sure your ideas win, I’ll give you the proven tools and processes I’ve used over the years. Here’s a quick overview of my career background:

I launched a sales career in the early 1990s at Kinko’s. I had a great mentor who taught me valuable communication skills. I used those skills to sell many copy projects to corporate clients. I quickly realized that ideas to solve problems were exceedingly more valuable than copying pieces of paper.

I began to listen to my clients in a way I never had before. I researched their problems, structured solutions and articulated my ideas clearly and concisely. Soon, they went from buying $10,000 projects to outsourcing million-dollar operations to me.

My lesson: Well-developed and communicated ideas are the key to business success.

Moving on to the Fast Track

Many team members were promoted to senior roles; they credit their success to my methodology. This is where I truly found my calling – to teach others how to motivate and persuade. I worked with people of all ages and backgrounds and coached them through my proven process – a process for defining problems, formulating solutions, structuring communication and delivering a message that moves the audience to act. The result?

My teams closed record-breaking deals year after year.

Many team members have gone on to senior roles; they credit their success to my methodology. FastTrackers learned how to reproduce my process to successfully implement their ideas and are proud of making a difference where they work.

Follow My Lead and I’ll Show You how to Communicate to Win!

Now, you can use these ideas to propel your career forward. You will learn how to positively influence peers and superiors and exponentially improve your ability to develop and advocate for your ideas. With this program, I bring my successes and experiences to you. I teach these principles in companies of all sizes, but now, the online version of my program allows you to leverage my experience to benefit your career!

Learn more and purchase the communicate to win workshop!

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One thought on “Ken Revenaugh offers Fast Track Tools to solve your communication problems

  1. You are so right. I’ve seen so many good ideas end up in the trash pile because the person with the idea could not communicate it effectively.


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